Fairly Interim Dissemination Report

During the first reporting period January – December, 2021 the Fairly Partnership has caried out a lot of dissemination activities to convey the Fairly project goals and objectives to the representatives of the project target groups and public in general. To raise their awareness for the upcoming project activities and to encourage their involvement and contribution, the partners explored different communication channels like project website and social media publications, blog posts, informational events, public presentations, face-to-face meetings and many others. More information about partners’ dissemination activities could be viewed from the report, available here.

Partner Meeting in Turin

On the 14th and 15th of October, the second Transnational Project Meeting took place in Turin, hosted by the Italian partner, Ciofs-Fp Piemonte. All partners were present and had the chance to meet in person for the very first time.


These two days proved to be really productive as all partners collaborated efficiently for the successful achievement of the meeting’s objectives.
The main topics discussed have been the status of development of IO1 and IO2, and the expected project results for the coming months.

Partner Meeting

After the summer holidays, the FAIRLY project partners had the pleasure to meet online again on 15.09.2021 to review and discuss the progress of the project.

The main focus of the meeting was on finalizing the content of the IO1 Legal economy training modules: How to take correct financial decisions, as well as their structuring on e-platform of the IO2 FAIRLY Training platform and the webapp.
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Fairly Project Brochure

One of the first step of the Fairly partnership was to develop a project brochure in electronic format for project publicity purposes and dissemination of project related information to project target groups and other interested stakeholders.

If you are interested to learn more about our project, please, download a copy of the English version of the brochure from here.

Fairly Project in Bulgaria

The Fairly project’s goals and activities were presented during an Erasmus+ informational event, held on 26 February in Dobrich, Bulgaria.  Students from the city’s high schools in economics and tourism along with  entrepreneurs  and representatives of educational and government institutions heard about Fairly three intellectual outputs, to be developed by the project partners from Luxembourg, Belgium, Spain, Bulgaria, Norway and Italy, headed by the Italian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.Read More

Kick-off meeting

On 22th January 2021, the Fairly partners gathered online to discuss the future project activities and further actions to be taken. One wonderful start of the Fairly project with very productive kick-off meeting hosted by The Camera di Commercio Italo-Lussemburghese!



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