Последни Новини

Multiplier Event in Spain

DomSpain organised a half-day multiplier event in Reus, on the premises of DomSpain (Raval Sant Pere, número 1, entresol, 43201, Reus, Spain). At the event, the project website and e-learning platform were presented in Spanish and English and the materials which had been translated and used for the local piloting were also shared with participants. The event was a great opportunity for educators who collaborate with DomSpain -mainly through their activities in the Civic Centers, to exchange experiences and opinions about how they deal with low-educated adults and about the level of financial education that is included in their training programmes.Read More

Multiplier Event In Italy

Last Monday, CIOFS-FP PIEMONTE and CBE presented during the Italian Multiplier Event, the FAIRLY project and its results for the target group (unemployed, households and professional (mostly freelances workers) such as the training modules, the platform and the practical guide.

Relevant stakeholders and participants from VET organisations, secondary schools, public authorities and third sector participated in the event, and were invited to deepen project intellectual outputs and contribute to the future exploitation of FAIRLY.

Multiplier Event in Belgium

The Fairly Project Multiplier Event in Belgium has been organized by CBE on December 9th at the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce.

CBE presented the project results and the website to the students of the Master in European Procurement.
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Fairly Multiplier Event in Bulgaria

VEDA has organized its multiplier events on 26th of November in Varna, Bulgaria with the aim to present the Fairly intellectual outputs and project results as well as the Erasmus+ Programme’s opportunities for training and education of young people and adults.
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Fairly Final Transnational Partners’ Meeting

The final transnational partners’ meeting has been hosted by Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe on the 21st and the 22nd of November 2022.

All the partners Camera di Commercio Italo-Lussemburghese, DomSpain, Varna Economic Development Agency, Hibis Norway and CIOFS-FP Piemonte gathered together in Brussels to review the state of the art of the project outputs, to discuss and to draw the conclusions from the work done, and to plan the next steps.

Fairly Multiplier Event in Norway

Hibis held its multiplier event on the 18th of November at the Knowledge Centre of Sandvika, which is 20 minutes from Oslo (Norway). The Knowledge Centre, part of the offers of the local municipality is a course and conference centre with a focus on training and knowledge dissemination. There, the municipality offer Norwegian courses for individuals with minority background, tailored courses for companies, primary school education and special education. The centre hosts also an upper-level secondary school which offers special learning to pupils interested in the subject of science.
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