Short term joint staff training events in Turin
Next week, from 3rd to 5th October, CIOFS-FP Piemonte will host the C1-Short term joint staff training events Learning Activity of the project FinAncial EducatIon foR Legal economY.
The main aim is to support the assessment of methodologies, training material and supporting tools developed in the project.
The participants will test the teaching material of:
- IO1 Legal economy training modules.
- IO2 FAIRLY training platform and webapp.
- IO3 A practical guide for Informed and Safe Financial Choice.
The training will also be an extraordinary opportunity to create multidisciplinary transnational working groups collaborating on the topic.
It will be a moment when the partners’ representatives from different Countries will learn together sharing experience and difficulties in the specific sector with the aim of identifying common strategies and future partnership and collaboration.